Home Git Amend

Git Amend

Git Amend: What Is It and How to Use It?

Git is a powerful version control system that allows developers to manage changes to their codebase. One of its most useful features is the ability to amend the most recent commit. This is done using the git amend command, which allows you to modify the most recent commit message, add changes to the commit, or both. In this guide, we’ll explain what Git amend is, how to use it, and some best practices to help you get started.

What Is Git Amend?

Git amend is a command that allows you to modify the most recent commit. This is useful when you want to make a small change to the last commit without creating a new commit. There are two main ways to use git amend :

  • To modify the commit message: You can use git commit –amend -m “new message” to change the commit message to a new one.

  • To add changes to the commit: If you’ve made additional changes to your code after the last commit, you can use git add to stage the changes and then run git commit --amend to add them to the most recent commit.

How to Use Git Amend?

Using Git amend is straightforward. Here are the steps:

  • Make changes to your code that you want to amend to the most recent commit.

  • Stage the changes using git add .

  • Run git commit –amend -m “new message” to modify the commit message or add the changes to the most recent commit.

For example, let’s say you made a typo in the commit message of the most recent commit. Here are the commands you would run to modify the message:

$ git commit --amend -m "fixed typo in README.md"

This will modify the commit message to “fixed typo in README.md”.

Best Practices for Using Git Amend

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when using Git amend:

  • Only use Git amend to modify the most recent commit. Modifying older commits can lead to confusion and make it harder to maintain the codebase.

  • Be careful when amending commits that have already been pushed to a shared repository. This can cause issues for other developers who have already pulled the changes.

  • Use git commit –amend -C HEAD to modify the commit message without changing the commit’s content. This is useful when you want to correct a typo or clarify a message without adding additional changes to the commit.

Consider using Git rebase instead of amend when you need to modify multiple commits. Git rebase allows you to modify the entire history of your branch, whereas amend only allows you to modify the most recent commit.


Git amend is a useful command that allows you to modify the most recent commit. Whether you need to change the commit message or add changes to the commit, Git amend makes it easy to make small changes without creating a new commit. By following best practices and communicating with your team, you can use Git amend to efficiently manage changes to your codebase.

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