Home MongoDB vs Traditional relational databases

MongoDB vs Traditional relational databases

MongoDB vs Traditional relational databases: Pros and cons

In today’s data-driven world, choosing the right database management system can be a crucial decision. MongoDB and traditional relational databases (RDBMS) are two common choices, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. In this blog, we’ll explore the pros and cons of MongoDB vs. RDBMS to help you make an informed decision.


MongoDB is a document-oriented database that stores data in flexible, semi-structured JSON-like documents. It’s designed to handle big data and offers many features for scalability, performance, and high availability.


Flexible data model: MongoDB allows for flexible and dynamic data models that can be easily modified as data changes. It’s designed to handle semi-structured and unstructured data, making it an excellent choice for big data and IoT applications.

  • Scalability: MongoDB’s built-in horizontal scaling makes it an excellent choice for high-growth applications. It’s easy to add new nodes and distribute data across multiple servers.

  • High performance: MongoDB uses a memory-mapped architecture that allows it to deliver high performance and low latency for read and write operations. It also includes features like indexing and sharding for improved query performance.

  • Developer-friendly: MongoDB’s flexible schema and native support for JSON make it easy for developers to work with. It also supports a wide range of programming languages and includes a rich set of APIs and libraries.


Not ACID compliant: Unlike traditional RDBMS, MongoDB is not fully ACID compliant. This means that it may not be suitable for applications that require strict data consistency and transactional support.

  • No native joins: MongoDB does not support native joins, which can make it challenging to perform complex queries on related data.

  • Limited analytics: While MongoDB includes features for real-time analytics and aggregation, it may not be as robust as traditional RDBMS for complex analytics and reporting.

Traditional Relational Databases

RDBMS is a traditional database model that organizes data into tables with predefined relationships. It’s been around for decades and is a well-established technology for data management.


  • ACID compliance: RDBMS is fully ACID compliant, which means that it provides strict data consistency and transactional support. This makes it an excellent choice for applications that require high data integrity.

  • Robust analytics: Traditional RDBMS include powerful tools for complex analytics and reporting. They offer support for SQL queries, joins, and data aggregation.

  • Mature technology: RDBMS is a well-established technology with many years of development and refinement. It’s a reliable and stable choice for enterprise applications.


  • Rigid data model: RDBMS has a rigid data model that requires predefined relationships between tables. This can make it challenging to work with semi-structured and unstructured data.

  • Scalability challenges: Traditional RDBMS can be challenging to scale horizontally. This can make it difficult to handle large amounts of data and high traffic.

  • Limited flexibility: The rigid data model and strict schema requirements can make it difficult to modify the data model as the application evolves. This can result in slower development and deployment cycles.


Both MongoDB and traditional RDBMS have their strengths and weaknesses, and the right choice depends on the specific needs of your application. MongoDB is an excellent choice for big data, high growth, and developer-friendly applications. Traditional RDBMS is a reliable choice for enterprise applications that require strict data consistency, complex analytics, and reporting. In the end, the best approach may be to use a combination of both technologies, depending on the specific needs of your application.

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