
Git Tricks

Git Tricks In this blog, we’ll share some useful Git hacks and tricks to help you work more efficiently with Git and get the most out of this powerful tool. Use Git aliases Git aliases are short...

Git Cherry Pick

Git Cherry Pick: What Is It and How to Use It? One of its most useful features is the ability to cherry-pick changes from one branch and apply them to another. In this guide, we’ll explain what Gi...

Git Branches

Git Branching: Understanding and Using Branches in Git Git is a powerful tool for version control that allows developers to keep track of their code changes over time. One of the key features of Gi...

Git Amend

Git Amend: What Is It and How to Use It? Git is a powerful version control system that allows developers to manage changes to their codebase. One of its most useful features is the ability to amen...

Git Merge vs Git Rebase

Git Merge vs Git Rebase: Understanding the Differences Two common ways to integrate changes into a codebase in Git are merging and rebasing. In this guide, we’ll explain the differences between Gi...

Git fetch vs Git pull

Git Fetch vs Git Pull: What’s the Difference? git fetch and git pull allow you to download changes from a remote repository and update your local repository accordingly. However, there are some im...

Git Commands

Commonly used Git commands We’ll take a look at some of the most commonly used Git commands and provide examples of how they are used. Git Commands git init This command initializes a new G...


Git: The Powerful Version Control System In the world of software development, version control is crucial for managing changes to source code. Version control systems enable developers to track ch...

Securing JWT - Best Practices and Techniques

Securing JWT: Best Practices and Techniques JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are a popular way to handle authentication and authorization in web applications. However, like any security mechanism, JWTs are no...

JWT vs Session-Based Authentication

JWT vs Session-Based Authentication : PROS & CONS JWT (JSON Web Tokens) and session-based authentication are two popular methods for managing user authentication and authorization. Both have t...