
Java 8 - Method Reference

Java 8 - Method Reference Method references in Java 8 allow you to pass references to methods as arguments to functions or constructors. They provide a concise and easy-to-read way to express lamb...

Java 8 - Default Method

Java 8 - Default Method Default methods, also known as defender methods or virtual extension methods, are a new feature introduced in Java 8 that allows interfaces to provide default implementatio...

Java 8 - Predefined Functional interfaces

Java 8 - Predefined functional interfaces Java provides several built-in functional interfaces that are used to represent common function types. These interfaces are located in the java.util.funct...

Java 8 - Stream Collectors

Java 8 - Stream Collectors treams are a sequence of elements that can be processed in parallel or sequentially. One of the most useful features of Streams is the ability to collect the result of a ...

Java 8 - Stream Operations

Java 8 - Stream Operations Streams allow you to perform aggregate operations on collections of elements using functional-style operations. Streams support two types of operations: intermediate and ...

Java 8 - Stream

Java 8 - Streams Java 8 Streams are a powerful feature that allows us to work with collections in a more functional and declarative way. Streams provide a set of methods that allow us to perform o...

Java 8 - Functional Interfaces

Java 8 - Functional Interfaces Functional Interfaces are one of the most important features introduced in Java 8. They provide a way to define the signature of a single abstract method, which is u...

Java 8 Lamda Expressions

Lambda Expressions Java 8 introduced a new feature called Lambda expressions, which has been a significant step forward for the Java programming language. Lambda expressions are a way to write con...

Java 8 Features

Discovering the Magic of Java 8: Revolutionizing the World of Java Programming Once upon a time, in the land of software development, Java was just another language, known for its reliability and ...