
Table Per Hierarchy (Single Table Strategy)

Table Per Hierarchy (Single Table Strategy): Table per class hierarchy is a type of inheritance in which all of the fields from the superclass and the subclasses are stored in a single table, but t...

Table Per Class Inheritance

Table Per Class Inheritance : In this strategy, each concrete class in the inheritance hierarchy is mapped to its own table in the database. Example Suppose we have an inheritance hierarchy consi...

Inheritance Mapping

Inheritance Mapping: Certainly! Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming, and it’s also an important aspect of the Java Persistence API (JPA). In this blog, we’ll explore...

CRUD operations with Hibernate

Hibernate Vs JPA: In this blog post, we’ll explore how to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using Hibernate, with examples. CRUD operations with Hibernate Before we start, le...

Hibernate Vs JPA

Hibernate Vs JPA: Java Persistence API (JPA) and Hibernate are two commonly used technologies in the world of Java programming. Both technologies provide an easy way to persist data in a database, ...


Hibernate: Simplifying Database Access for Java Developers Working with databases in Java can be a complex and time-consuming task, but with the introduction of Hibernate, this task has become muc...

Java 8 - IntStream

Java 8 - IntStream Java 8 introduces a new concept called Streams, which make it easy to perform bulk operations on collections of data. IntStream is a special type of stream that deals with integ...

Java 8 - CompletableFuture

Java 8 - CompletableFuture Java 8 introduced a powerful new feature called CompletableFuture, which is a powerful tool for performing asynchronous operations. In this blog, we will explore what Co...

Java 8 - Date and time API

Java 8 - Date and time API The Java 8 release introduced a new Date and Time API, which offers a lot of improvements over the old Date and Calendar classes. The new API is more flexible, easier to...

Java 8 - Optional

Java 8 - Optional In Java, null is often used to represent the absence of a value. However, using null can often lead to NullPointerExceptions and make code difficult to reason about. To address t...